




カラツバ法 - Wikipedia

これによって大きな整数たちの掛け算の計算コストを f:id:neuliliilli:20181025112041p:plain にすることが出来ます。 以前の力任せでf:id:neuliliilli:20181025112126p:plainにした方法より単位が大きい場合にはものすごく速くなります。 しかし整数たちの単位が少ない場合には「からつば法」によるコストが悪い為、ただの力任せでやるほうが速くなります。


/// Karatsuba equation (カラツバ法) (N^lg3) using divide and conquer
/// a  = a1|a0
/// b  = b1|b0
/// z0 = a1 * b1
/// z2 = a0 * b0
/// z1 = (a1 + a0) * (b1 + b0) - z0 - z2;
/// a * b = z0 * 10^(half<<1) + z1 * 10^(half) + z2

#include <vector>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstdio>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
#include <stdexcept>

#define _MIN_
#define _MOUT_
#define _MINOUT_
#define M_BEGIN_END(__MA__) __MA__.begin(), __MA__.end()
#define M_RBEGIN_REND(__MA__) __MA__.rbegin(), __MA__.rend()

class BigInteger final
  BigInteger(_MIN_ const int64_t value) noexcept
    this->mIsNegative = ((value >> 63) & 0b1) == true;
    int64_t _val = this->mIsNegative ? (value * -1) : value;
    while (_val != 0)
      mValue.emplace_back(_val % 10);
      _val /= 10;

  BigInteger(_MIN_ const std::string &value) : mIsNegative{false}
    if (value.empty() == false)
      int32_t startId = 0;
      const int32_t len = static_cast<int32_t>(value.size());
      if (value[0] == '-')
        this->mIsNegative = true;
        startId = 1;
      for (int32_t i = len - 1; i >= startId; --i)
        if (value[i] < '0' || value[i] > '9')
          throw std::runtime_error("value is not numeric character.");
        this->mValue.emplace_back(value[i] - '0');

  [[nodiscard]] std::string ToString() const noexcept
    auto it = std::find_if(M_RBEGIN_REND(this->mValue), [](const uint8_t &val) { return val != 0; });
    if (it == this->mValue.rend()) { return "0"; }
      std::string result = {};
      if (this->mIsNegative == true) { result += '-'; }

      for (; it != this->mValue.rend(); ++it) { result += *it + '0'; }
      return result;

  [[nodiscard]] friend BigInteger operator*(_MIN_ const BigInteger &a, _MIN_ const BigInteger &b) noexcept
  { // Use karatsuba equation! O(N^(lg3))
    // * N is maximum unit
    return BigInteger::__KaratsubaMultiplyEntry(a, b);

  using TContainer = std::vector<int16_t>;
  BigInteger(_MIN_ const BigInteger::TContainer &valueContainer, _MIN_ const bool isNegative) noexcept
    this->mValue = valueContainer;
    this->mIsNegative = isNegative;

  [[nodiscard]] static BigInteger
  __KaratsubaMultiplyEntry(_MIN_ const BigInteger &a, _MIN_ const BigInteger &b) noexcept
    const TContainer unsignedResult = BigInteger::__ProcessKaratsuba(a.mValue, b.mValue);
    const bool isNegative = (a.mIsNegative ^ b.mIsNegative) == true;

    const BigInteger result{unsignedResult, isNegative};
    return result;

  [[nodiscard]] static TContainer
  __ProcessKaratsuba(_MIN_ const TContainer &a, _MIN_ const TContainer &b) noexcept
    const int32_t aUnitSize = static_cast<int32_t>(a.size());
    const int32_t bUnitSize = static_cast<int32_t>(b.size());
    // Integrity  : If aUnitSize is smaller than bUnitSize, swap each other and execute.
    if (aUnitSize < bUnitSize) { return __ProcessKaratsuba(b, a); }
    // Base  : If aUnitSize or bUnitSize is 0 (no value), just return 0.
    if (aUnitSize == 0 || bUnitSize == 0) { return TContainer(0); }
    // Base : If aUnitSize or bUnitSize is 2, just multiply each other O(N^2) but might be fast.
    if (aUnitSize <= 2) { return BigInteger::__Multiply(a, b); }

    // Normal case...
    const int32_t halfUnit = aUnitSize / 2;
    TContainer a0(a.begin(), a.begin() + halfUnit);
    TContainer a1(a.begin() + halfUnit, a.end());
    TContainer b0(b.begin(), b.begin() + std::min(halfUnit, bUnitSize));
    TContainer b1(b.begin() + std::min(halfUnit, bUnitSize), b.end());

    // z0 = a1 * b1, z2 = a0 * b0
    const TContainer z0 = __ProcessKaratsuba(a1, b1);
    const TContainer z2 = __ProcessKaratsuba(a0, b0);

    // a1 + a0, b1 + b0
    const TContainer ar = __KaratsubaAddContainer(a1, 0, a0);
    const TContainer br = __KaratsubaAddContainer(b1, 0, b0);
    // calculate z1
    TContainer z1 = __ProcessKaratsuba(ar, br);
    __KaratsubaSubFrom(z1, z0);
    __KaratsubaSubFrom(z1, z2);

    // calculate a * b finally!
    TContainer result = {};
    result = __KaratsubaAddContainer(z2, 0, result);
    result = __KaratsubaAddContainer(z1, halfUnit, result);
    result = __KaratsubaAddContainer(z0, halfUnit * 2, result);
    return result;

  /// @brief a * 10^k + b
  [[nodiscard]] static TContainer
  __KaratsubaAddContainer(_MIN_ const TContainer &a, _MIN_ const uint32_t k, _MIN_ const TContainer &b) noexcept
    const int32_t len = static_cast<int32_t>(a.size());

    TContainer result = b;
    result.resize(std::max(b.size(), a.size() + k) + 1);

    for (int32_t i = 0; i < len; ++i)
      result[i + k] += a[i];
      if (result[i + k] > 10)
        result[i + k] -= 10;
        result[i + k + 1] += 1;

    while (result.size() > 1 && result.back() == 0) { result.pop_back(); }
    return result;

  [[nodiscard]] static TContainer
  __Multiply(_MIN_ const TContainer &a, _MIN_ const TContainer &b) noexcept
    const int32_t aUnitSize = static_cast<int32_t>(a.size());
    const int32_t bUnitSize = static_cast<int32_t>(b.size());
    // Integrity Check : If aUnitSize is smaller than bUnitSize, swap each other and execute.
    if (aUnitSize < bUnitSize) { return __Multiply(b, a); }

    TContainer result(aUnitSize + bUnitSize + 1, 0);
    for (int32_t i = 0; i < bUnitSize; ++i)
      for (int32_t j = 0; j < aUnitSize; ++j)
        result[i + j] += a[j] * b[i];

    return result;
  static void __KaratsubaSubFrom(_MOUT_ TContainer &a, _MIN_ const TContainer &b) noexcept
  { // Assertion
    assert(a.size() >= b.size());
    // Body
    int len = b.size();
    a.resize(std::max(a.size(), b.size()) + 1);

    for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
      a[i] -= b[i];

      if (a[i] < 0)
        a[i] += 10;
        a[i + 1] -= 1;

  /// @brief Normalize value container and reflect carry or borrow flag to container.
  /// @param value Value container to be updated.
  static void __Normalize(_MINOUT_ TContainer &value) noexcept
    const int32_t len = static_cast<int32_t>(value.size());
    for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i)
      if (value[i] < 0)
        int32_t borrow = (std::abs(value[i]) + 9) / 10;
        value[i + 1] -= borrow;
        value[i] += borrow * 10;
        value[i + 1] += value[i] / 10;
        value[i] %= 10;
    while (value.size() > 1 && value.back() == 0) { value.pop_back(); }

  /// Example) integer value 1258
  /// [0][1][2][3]
  ///  8  5  2  1
  TContainer mValue = {};
  bool mIsNegative : 1;

//! Example

int main()
  std::printf("Result is %s\n", (BigInteger("-12345678901234567890") * BigInteger("9876543210987654321")).ToString().c_str());
  std::printf("Result is %s\n", (BigInteger("3427350981709347230968723049827105342342") * BigInteger("98427038974902731329876543210987654321")).ToString().c_str());
Result is -121932631137021795223746380111126352690
Result is 337344008657377058152329638352568707324009767133475478830316644492106260559782